Rabu, 21 April 2010



• Power System :
  • Large diesel engine to provide  the main source of power.
  • Electrical generator, power by diesel engines to provide electrical power
    • Mechanical System :
    • Hoisting system, used for lifting heavy loads;consists of a mechanical winch (draw works) with a large steel cable spool, a block-and-tackle pulley and a receiving storage reel for the cable.

      • Rotating System :
      • Swivel, large handle that holds the weight of the drill string; allows the string to rotate and makes a pressure-tight seal on the hole.
      • Kelly, four- or six-sided pipe that transfers rotary motion to the turntable and drill string
      • Turntable or rotary table - drives the rotating motion using power from electric motors.
      • Drilling string consists of drill pipe (connected sections of about 30 ft / 10 m) and drill collars (larger diameter, heavier pipe that fits around the drill pipe and places weight on the drill bit)
      • Circulation system :
      • Pump, sucks mud from the mud pits and pumps it to the drilling apparatus.
      • Pipes and hoses, connects pump to drilling apparatus.
      • Mud Return line, returns mud from hole.
      • Shale shaker, shaker/sieve that separates rock cuttings from mud.
      • Reserve pit, collects rock cutting separated from the mud.
      • Mud pits, where drilling mud is mixed and recycled.
      • Mud-mixing hopper, where new mud is mixed and then sent to the mud pits.

        • Blow Out Preventer :
        • High pressure valves (located under the land rig or on the sea floor) that seal the high-pressure drill lines and relieve pressure when necessary to prevent a blowout (uncontrolled gush of gas or oil to the surface, often associated with fire).


          Drilling fluid (mud) function:
          1. Cleaning the hole.
          2. Cooling / lubrication of bit & drill string.
          3. Lifting cutting to the surface.
          4. Protecting wellbore wells.
          5. Controlling formation pressure.
          6. Obtaining downhole information.
            Drilling fluid types:
            1. Oil based mud.
            2. Water based mud.
            3. Drilling with air.
            4. Foam drilling.
            5. Aerated drilling.
            Mud Additives & Properties:
            1. Bentonite, swell when wet, to control viscosity.
            2. Barite, four times heavier than water.
            3. Caustic soda, to control pH of mud. 

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